New Year's Eve Giveaway Rules | Truhanas and Hangover of Fashion

Legal Bases for the Summer Pack Giveaway

Object, Dates and Scope

Hangover of Fashion , via their Instagram account @hangoveroffashion will hold a draw together with Truhanas in which all Instagram users of legal age residing in Spain may participate, who meet the requirements demanded in the draw post and which are specified in the following point.

Promotion name

Hangover of Fashion and Truhanas , They give you the New Year's Eve look you deserve .

Participation Mechanics - Instagram

Participants must:

  • Start following @hangoveroffashion
  • Start following
  • Like the post in question
  • Comment on the post tagging 2 friendly accounts
  • Share on Stories

Users will be able to view other contestants' participation at any time.

Among all the contest participants will be drawn:

  • Black strapless evening dress
  • My Heart Earrings

The winners will be published on the official account of @hangoveroffashion and on Instagram, through the giveaway post and stories. The winner will be sent a direct message on Instagram with the necessary information to enjoy their look, which will be sent to the requested address, in an approximate period of 3-7 days.

Place and duration of the promotion

This draw will only have Valid in Spain from Thursday 26 December to Sunday 29 December at 8pm . The winner will be selected on Sunday 26 December after the draw closes .

The prize will consist of a black strapless dress from Hangover of Fashion and Cuore Mío earrings from Truhanas. Hangover of Fashion and Truhanas,  Organizers of this contest will contact the winner via direct message starting on December 26th. to inform them that they have won the prize and give them the instructions to redeem it. Within 7 days, starting from the day after Hangover of Fashion and Truhanas have notified them, the winner will  You must respond confirming your prize.

In the event that the winner does not respond within the deadline to accept the prize, does not comply with all or some of the rules of this competition, or does not want or cannot enjoy the prize, the winner will be disqualified. The prize will not be exchangeable for its value in money or for any other prize. There will be two substitutes in case this occurs.

Protection of Personal Data

Participants authorize that their personal data provided be incorporated into a file for which Hangover of Fashion and Truhanas Studio are responsible, which will use them to manage this Promotional Contest, to contact the winner and deliver the prize and send them subsequent communications from Hangover of Fashion/Truhanas. These data will be treated confidentially and in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

Participants guarantee and are responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of their personal information. The data holder may exercise their rights of access, rectification and cancellation by requesting it in writing, with a copy of their ID or identification document, to the following address: Camiño do Roncal 4 CP 36320 Redondela (Pontevedra) ,  indicating on the envelope “Ref. Data Protection” or by email to the following address

Control and safety standards

Hangover of Fashion reserves the right to take any measures deemed appropriate to prevent any conduct that Hangover of Fashion, suspect that it has as its purpose or effect any attempt to act in fraud of this promotion or in breach of its rules or to the detriment of other participants, the first and immediate consequence of which will be the exclusion of the participant and the loss of all rights to the prize that he or she may have obtained.

It is prohibited to create or have more than one Instagram profile. Hangover of Fashion , reserves the right to invalidate, expel, eliminate or not take into account in the calculation those profiles that it considers suspicious of any attempt at fraudulent participation, including, but not limited to, the attempt to register more than one Instagram user profile by a person, creation of false profiles or identity theft.

Hangover of Fashion also reserves the right to bring any suspicions in this regard to the attention of the company responsible for the Instagram platform, so that it can take appropriate action.

Likewise, Hangover of Fashion reserves the right to take any legal action that may be appropriate.

Hangover of Fashion reserves the right to download and exclude from the contest/draw any response sent by users when it deems appropriate.

Hangover of Fashion reserves the right to exclude entries containing pornographic or explicitly sexual elements.

Limitation of liability

  • Fashion Hangover , Hangover of Fashion is not responsible for any interruptions or failures on the Internet, the official website, the cable network, electronic communications networks, software or hardware failures or for possible errors in the introduction and/or processing of responses, deliveries or personal data. In the event of problems or incidents of this type, Hangover of Fashion, will do everything in its power to correct them as soon as possible, but cannot assume any responsibility in this regard.
  • Hangover of Fashion excludes any liability for damages of any kind that, despite the security measures adopted, may be due to the improper use of the services and content by users, and, in particular, although not exclusively, for damages that may be due to the impersonation of a third party by a user.

Other rules of the promotion

  • Simply participating in this competition implies acceptance of these Rules in their entirety and the interpretative criteria of Hangover of Fashion, regarding the resolution of any issue arising from this competition, so that any statement of non-acceptance of the same implies the exclusion of the participant and, as a consequence thereof, Hangover of Fashion will be released from the fulfilment of any obligation contracted with him/her.

  • Hangover of Fashion reserves the right to make changes to the mechanics or operation of this Promotion at any time and/or end it early if necessary for just cause, without any liability arising from this. However, these changes will be duly communicated through the competition page @hangoveroffashion and, where appropriate, other means. Hangover of Fashion will do everything possible to prevent any changes from harming some participants compared to others.

  • By participating in this promotion you acknowledge and agree that the intellectual property rights in the materials of this promotion belong to Hangover of Fashion. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution or transformation of any advertising or promotional materials constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of the owner.

  • The following may not participate in this promotion: a) Shareholders, directors and employees of Hangover of Fashion, b) Persons who are spouses, children, parents, and other persons who live at the expense of the persons indicated in the previous letter.
    c) Any person who, in any capacity, has participated in the preparation of this promotion

Interpretation of the bases and conflict resolution

The interpretation and non-compliance of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Argentine law. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or compliance with these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Vigo, where Hangover of Fashion is registered.

Handle your h̶a̶n̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ in style. Handle your life in style.